16 August 2015

Welcome to my life - post 13

Hey everyone, as promised here are some making of photos:

A small beer crate of Georges favourite beer ( X - Brand )
A new prop created for the previous episode and there's no reason it won't be used for later episodes too!

After this episode was finished i wanted to give George a good touch up
his hands were a mess and so were his clothes, so i stripped him naked and chopped off his hands
replacing them with new fresh clean ones. They look a bit smoother but in the future i will aim to give him the smoothest hands possible.

By dipping them in latex i was able to get a smoother finish
whereas in the past i had painted the latex on with a paintbrush, this left the fingers looking cracked and lumpy

Georges cupboard also looked as if it needed redoing.
So i rebuilt the cupboard from scratch, it's currently painted black, soon i will paint it to hopefully look like wood!

Here I am painting the cupboard black
I'm wearing my most tattered t-shirt to paint in, as you might be able to see, It has a massive hole in it, but why throw away perfectly good painting clothes!
Also i'm adorning my wonderful safety goggles 
I've also repainted the wall, added in a new door and put up a small shelf for George
now he has a place to show off his Devon Herb novel!
Next I'll be remaking the phone and remote, then I'll give the cupboard a good finish, repaint the floor and make a few extra props along with new clean replacement mouths. Then i can get back to animating.
All animated and ready to upload for your viewing pleasure by mid September!

Stay tuned folks and I'll post more upadates soon!

14 August 2015

Welcome to my life - post 12

Here we go everyone, the fifth episode of Georges reviews, he's really coming into his own now.
I'm hoping to get one review out every month, here is Augusts episode.
 I'll be posting up some making of bits and pieces later on, but for now I hope you enjoy Georges reviews - Harry Potter!